Major Course Descriptions

ABI 50A - Learn to Do Science (2 units)

Taught by Robert Kimsey and Rachel Vannette. Fall quarter.

Lecture/Lab—4 hour(s). Scientific methods for answering questions in animal biology by doing exercises to demonstrate hypothesis testing and reporting, short laboratory, population and field experiments. Maintain notebooks, analyze data, interpret results and write reports.

ABI 50B - Evaluate Science (3 units)

Taught by Christian Nansen and Jason Bond. Fall and Winter quarters.

Lecture—3 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): BIS 001A; BIS 001B (can be concurrent). Basic biological disciplines important to an understanding of practical animal biology issues including the evolution of animal groups, genetic mechanisms, animal physiology as it relates to maintenance and production, and aspects of comparative anatomy, behavior and ecology.

ABI 50C - Apply Science (2 units)

Taught by Shahid Siddique and Geoffrey Attardo. Spring quarter.

Lecture—3 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): BIS 001B; BIS 001C; ABI 050A; ABI 050B. Animal management and conservation. Societal concerns arising from management and conservation issues, including economics, aesthetics, regulations, safety, public perspectives and advocacy.

ABI 187 - Animal Biology Seminar (2 units)

Taught by Robert Kimsey. Fall and Winter quarters.

Seminar—1 hour(s); Discussion—1 hour(s). Junior standing. Seminar leading to development of the Major Proposal for the Animal Biology major.

ABI 189 - Senior Practicum (2 units)

Taught by Robert Kimsey. Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters.

Seminar—1 hour(s); Discussion—1 hour(s). Junior standing. Units granted for working on the Senior Practicum research portion.

ABI 189D - Senior Practicum Discussion (1 unit)

Taught by Robert Kimsey. Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters.

Discussion—1 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): ABI 050A; ABI 050B; ABI 050C; ABI 187; ABI 189 (can be concurrent); Junior standing. Helps prevent or solve problems during the students' senior practicum activity and write the paper.