ABI Advising Staff

Meet the ABI Advising Team!

Marshall McMunn, PhD - Lead Faculty Advisor

Co-Lead Faculty Advisor Marshall McMunn

Assistant Professor of Teaching
Department of Entomology and Nematology
Email: msmcmunn@ucdavis.edu
Office: 488 Hutchison Hall

As Lead Faculty Advisor for the Animal Biology major, Professor Marshall McMunn is is committed to fostering the academic success of students in the program. Dr. McMunn is an insect ecologist by training and an Assistant Professor of Teaching in the Department of Entomology and Nematology. Please see Dr. McMunn for advice on aligning coursework and research with academic and professional ambitions, fulfilling the Animal Biology practicum requirement, and working with faculty during your time at UC Davis.


Elvira Galvan Hack - ABI Major Academic Advisor

Email: eghack@ucdavis.edu | Phone: 530-754-7277
Office: 160 Hutchison Hall
Remote: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday
On-site: Wednesday and Friday

Michelle Mallari - Undergraduate Program Coordinator and Scheduler

Phoenix Cluster
Email: mdmallari@ucdavis.edu
Office: 150 Hutchison Hall
Remote: Monday and Wednesday
On-site: Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

Michelle Mallari (she/her) is the Undergraduate Program Scheduler and Coordinator for Phoenix Cluster at UC Davis, which supports the Department of Entomology & Nematology and the Department of Plant Pathology. These departments house the Animal Biology, Entomology, and Global Disease Biology majors. Formerly a Global Disease Biology Peer Advisor, Michelle now assists with the operations of the ABI/ENT/GDB Advising Center, including registration/scheduling issues, PTA numbers, variable-unit forms, answering general advising questions, and more!


Brianna Steele - ABI Peer Advisor

Brianna Steele

Email: bcsteele@ucdavis.edu
Contact: abi-advising@ucdavis.edu
Office: 150 Hutchinson Hall

Hi, everyone! My name is Brianna Steele (she/her) and I am from Southern California (Riverside). I am a third-year student, pre-vet, and I hope to achieve a career as a zoological veterinarian with a specialization in large cats. I enjoy cooking, baking, watching anime, and hanging out with friends. I also enjoy taking walks in our beautiful campus arboretum. If you ever see me on a walk, feel free to come up and say hi!


Ramiro Lopez - ABI Peer Advisor

Ramiro Lopez

Email: rjlopez@ucdavis.edu
Contact: abi-advising@ucdavis.edu
Office: 150 Hutchinson Hall

Hello, fellow students! My name is Ramiro Lopez (he/him). I'm a second-year, and I'm originally from San Bernardino, CA, so Davis is definitely new to me! My goal while being here at UC Davis is to be involved in animal research so I could then be an animal-focused researcher after I graduate. Some of my hobbies, when I am not working or studying, include photography, biking, and working out. I'll be looking forward to meeting all of you, so if any of you have any questions feel free to reach out!